

Interview with Edith Kuiper on The Purse Podcast (via Spotify)


Interview with Julie A. Nelson on The Purse Podcast. (via Spotify).


Interview with Vicky Pryce and Victoria Ross (via Spotify)


Other news

In Memoriam: Bill Spriggs

We are deeply saddened by the loss of economist Dr. Bill Spriggs, who drew attention to racial injustice and challenged orthodox economic approaches that reinforce it. 

He called on the discipline to recognize that, 

Economists play a key role in shaping policy. We are viewed as the objective scientists, with the tools to identify solutions; presumably absent “passion.” But if you start with a model that has race as exogenous, racial differences cannot be objectively approached. The model begins with a fallacy that assumes racial differences as a natural order. It biases the model, because there is a built-in excuse for disparities that cannot be solved. And, invariably, in the overwhelming case of economic analysis, assumes that there is something “deficient” about Black people....Too many economists are great at excusing themselves when policies they propose exacerbate racial disadvantages because of that world view.

 His keen insight and his support for Black economists have been invaluable to the profession. 

In Memoriam: Drucilla Barker

With great sadness, we share that Drucilla Barker, Drue, passed away in January 2023. The loss of a feminist luminary, cherished friend, colleague, and mentor is profound. She was a brilliant scholar. Her interdisciplinary work on gender, race, and class is foundational to feminist radical political economy. Drue was incredibly generous and had immense impacts in the lives of many. 

In heartfelt posts, colleagues recall her brave, smart, and kind voice. True to her contribution here, one notes that Drue modeled how to speak truth to power. Drue’s kindness resonates through the communities into which she welcomed others with enthusiasm, warmth, solidarity, and wit. She delighted in bringing people together to share delicious food and raucous laughter. 

She also opened new worlds of intellectual and practical possibility and, with care and love, encouraged us to do the same. She is deeply missed.